Prioritise Background Tasks in Django Celery


                       In this article I will explain you how to handle priority background jobs in django celery. Django celery queues all the jobs and works on FIFO, if there are already some tasks lined up in queue, than new task which is of higher priority will not be executed until all the jobs are executed which are scheduled earlier.
                       For example, consider that we run one management command which does something for all users in our platform, say for example it fetches mails from users account as per our requirement, now it will queue the same task for all all users which does the work for us, now in between if any new user register’s at our platform and we are sending the welcome mail to him in delayed job which is of higher priority, than in this case it will get delayed until all pre assigned jobs are completed.
                      If you have not gone through the previous blogs on celery please go through it before proceeding further Delayed Jobs in Django Celery , I am continuing from sample blog.

Handling Priority Tasks in Celery:

                     Django celery does not provides any option to prioritise the task in queue, so we need to create multiple queues to handle the jobs for us. We can create one `default` to run the normal tasks and one `priority_tasks` to deal with priority tasks, we can create `n` number of queues depending on the priority of tasks and our requirements and than we can queue it accordingly.

Configuring Multiple Queues:

                  For running multiple queues, we need to define those queues and tell about the default queue in settings. So, update the file with following code, where we are defining two queues, default and priority_tasks, where default will server all normal tasks.

from kombu import Queue, Exchange

Queue('default', Exchange('default'), routing_key='default'),
Queue('priority_tasks', Exchange('priority_tasks'), routing_key='priority_tasks'),
      'sampleapp.tasks.hello_world': {'queue': 'default'},
      'sampleapp.tasks.test_celery': {'queue': 'priority_tasks'},

                We can route the tasks as well, like by default `hello_world` will be queued in default and `test_celery` will be queued in priority_tasks queue until we specify explicitly.

Running Multiple Queues:

                 Now, as we have defined two queues, so we need to run two different workers for the queues, so to run them use the following command, where sample is our project name.

`celery -A sample worker -E -l INFO -n worker.default -Q default` , and
`celery -A sample worker -E -l INFO -n worker.priority_tasks -Q priority_tasks`

- Now, update the sampleapp/ with following code, where we have defined these test_celery and hello_world tasks in previous blog.

from django.http import HttpResponse
from sampleapp.tasks import test_celery, hello_world

def home(request):
       hello_world.apply_async() # Will run it in default queue
       test_celery.apply_async(queue='priority_tasks') # Will run it in priority_tasks queue.
       return HttpResponse("Celery Demo!!")

- Now as you will run the server, workers and hit the landing url, you will see the tasks running in different queues.

Priority Tasks Worker

Default Tasks Worker

sampleapp/, where it will return `Celery Demo!!` and queue hello_world to default, and test_celery to priority_tasks queue.

Landing Page

`hello_world` task executed in default queue.

`test_celery` task executed in priority_tasks.


                  We can create different queues for different delayed tasks depending upon their priorities, we can create n number of queues depending on our requirements, like low priority, medium priority and high priority etc.
                  Code can be obtained from github repo `` for reference.

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